Thursday, 21 June 2007

Eventful month!

We've had all sorts going on this month! I begun the month by trying to ward off the local cats who were bullying Jade, however instead of a quiet word in their ear and the threat of being grounded, I accidently put my fist through a window! Here is the damage...

On Monday, Jade caused us much heartache when she was hit by a car- who no doubt was not sticking to the 20mph speed limit! The driver didn't stop and Jade ran away injured to find a place to curl up. I knew nothing about the whole incident until a neighbour from across the road came over to tell me that at around 11am (about 3 hours before) she had seen Jade hit by a car! I was shocked and went looking for her. It was chucking it down with rain and having climbed over into the neibghbours garden there was no sign of her. I called Andy who came home and we both looked. Eventually we heard a noise that distinctly sounded like Jade. She was 2 houses down between a couple of fences dripping wet and unable to move! We got her straight to the vets who kept her in til Tuesday. She had fractured her pelvis but is now home and doing fine, unfortunately for her she is on a 6 week bed rest and has to be caged!!!! (On the plus side she got a new blinging bed and bowels!) Here she is...

On a more positive note, we have done a lot of work on the garden and now have a gravel path, table and chairs and a new BBQ! We've even been able to get out the new tea set for some familiar faces...